ALL SAINTS by Christina Rosetti

As grains of sand, as stars, as drops of dew,

Numbered and treasured by the Almighty Hand,

The Saints triumphant throng that holy land

Where all things and Jerusalem are new.

We know not half they sing or half they do.

But this we know, they rest and understand;

While like a conflagration freshly fanned

Their love glows upward, outward, thro’ and thro’.

Lo! Like a stream of incense launched on flame

Fresh Saints stream up from death to life above,

To shine among those others and rejoice:

What matters tribulation whence they came?

All love and only love can find a voice

Where God makes glad His Saints, for God is love.


The General Synod will take place online on 30th September, 1st and 2nd October. Revd Jack, Revd Ken and Scott Golden are members.


The Diocesan Synods are also happening online on Wednesday 6th October. The Wicklow parish lay representatives will be Lynn Glanville, Penny Phillips and Jonathon Patton and the Killiskey parish lay representatives will be Scott Golden and Sally Smith. They will be joined by Rev Jack and Rev Ken.


Please remember these important decision-making meetings in your prayers.


Eco-Congregation Ireland

We send our congratulations to Whitechurch Parish and Canon Horace McKinley who have received the Eco-Congregation’s Gold Award. Killiskey Parish played a small part in this as Whitechurch needed to demonstrate that it was mentoring another parish and Killiskey was delighted to receive advice from that source. Stella Mew and Revd Ken Rue were pleased to attend and play minor roles in the Award Ceremony on 13th September.


As part of the plan to become an accredited Eco Congregation, the Select Vestry has decided to proceed with a wildflower garden. The siting of this has yet to be determined.

Celebrating Nature And The Great Outdoors

We’ve all enjoyed an exceptionally warm September, ensuring we could spend more time outdoors, with all the health benefits that bestows. Few could fail to have noticed how spectacular and prolific the bright red rowan berries are this year, brightening up parklands, gardens and rural areas alike. Taking time to appreciate autumnal colours, from wonderful floral displays to the gradually changing hues of trees is such a joy. And how bounteous the blackberries have been! Larder shelves are heavy with pots of blackberry jams and jellies, while many happy folk have dined on good, old-fashioned and totally delicious apple and blackberry crumble. As October beckons and air temperatures fall (and rain returns!), hopefully we will still all manage to get out and enjoy nature’s beauty. Whether one likes slow rambles or vigorous walks, gentle cycle rides or fast, head-down bike races, the great outdoors has so much to offer. And on our doorstep in Wicklow we are blessed with such a rich variety of habitats – mountains, lowlands, woods, seashore: something to suit us all. Enjoy!

Ashford Christmas Market

Ashford Christmas Market is in the course of being planned for the afternoon of Saturday 4th December by the parish. It is expected to take place in Ashford Community and Heritage Centre. It will consist of various stalls, including a cake stall, and the provision of teas, coffees and tray-bakes. If you can help by baking cakes and making tray bakes, that would be much appreciated.


A joint Raffle is being planned with Ashford Parish with excellent prizes n offer.


Killiskey Parish finances have been seriously impacted by the lack of the Ashford Country Fair in 2020 and 2021. Your support for this fund-raising activity would be much appreciated.

The Hub

Thanks to the efforts of the wonderful band of volunteers and of the Tús worker, The Hub has never been busier. If you have not visited recently, please do drop in and see the wide range of clothes, gifts and books on display.

Lifting Restrictions

We await firm guidance from the Diocesan Office on the lifting of restrictions. At the time of writing, it seems possible that after 22nd October we will re-commence the singing of hymns, the use of prayer and hymn books. Confirmation services are now possible and Wicklow & Killiskey awaits a date. Christmas services may continue to be organised as they were last year with online booking to allow for restricted numbers.

Roland Evans

Roland Evans was an exceptional teacher who taught in Nun’s Cross school for many years. He had a great ability to inspire and feed the imagination of children. He was like a pied piper when children were around. Sadly, he had to retire early when he contracted Motor Neuron Disease. However, he had an indomitable spirit and made a number of return visits to see how the school was developing. Years after his retirement, parents of his pupils spoke of him with great affection. He was cared for by his loving wife, Annette, until she died from cancer after a long illness bravely borne. He died suddenly on 11th September 2021. Our thoughts and prayers are with his son Peter, daughter Rebecca and his other family members at this sad time.