August Eco Notes

August 2023

“The era of global boiling has arrived”

Imagine you are standing at the bottom of a hill, watching a huge juggernaut slowing winding its way down from the top. Then it speeds up, sending rocks flying downhill as it takes the corners too fast. If brakes were applied now, the lorry would slow down, the damage would be limited. Left to accelerate ever faster, it would veer totally out of control, possibly tipping sideways and obliterating all in its path. Likewise with climate, if we “apply brakes” by limiting greenhouse gas emissions, then we can reduce the rate of earth’s temperature rise. The first three weeks of July have been the hottest on record. UN Secretary General Antonio Guteres said “The era of global boiling has arrived. Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning. It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5⁰C (above pre-industrial levels) and avoid the very worst of climate change. But only with dramatic, immediate climate action.” In Ireland, we must learn to adapt and part of that adaptation must be to see climate action by us all as a right for future generations – this will, of necessity, involve giving up some of our current “rights” – over-consumption, waste, too much travel, overheating of buildings etc. Most people do not want to hear it: “Ireland is a small country, so it doesn’t matter what we do, it won’t make a difference.” Wrong. Millions of small changes can have a large impact, both directly and by influence (remember banning indoor smoking, levying plastic bags? – other countries followed suit). If we embrace climate action NOW, we can help safeguard the future.

Eco Notes July

July 2023

The Joys of Growing Vegetables

Not so long ago, we used to grow many of our own vegetables in Ireland – however, owing to cut price offers for “cheaper” overseas food in supermarkets, most of the commercial growers here have gone out of business. Currently, Ireland imports a huge amount of fruit and vegetables from Spain, but a long-term drought, water shortages and soaring temperatures there are making much of the land inhospitable. This will almost inevitably result in food shortages in Ireland, similar to that experienced in the spring, when tomatoes, for example, became temporarily unavailable. It would seem logical for Ireland to encourage commercial growers to return to production and for them to be paid a fair price for that produce. Meantime, the Irish populace at large could copy their forebears and start growing their own fruit and vegetables again. Not so long ago, most households had their own potato and cabbage plot. Clearly that is not possible for urban dwellers today, but virtually everyone could grow something, even on a windowsill, patio or in a small back garden. The joy of experiencing the enhanced flavour of freshly picked, home-grown produce might even encourage some folk to grow more. The more time you invest, the more you gain. There is a need to have more allotments and community gardens in urban areas. At a time when food prices are causing hardship for many, growing even a small amount of one’s own food would help alleviate this burden. Grandparents can pass on their gardening knowledge to children, who often love sowing seeds and getting mucky in gardens – and they certainly enjoy the produce, especially if fruits such as strawberries are grown! Why not give it a try?

Eco Notes May 2023

May 2023

Government action not fines

Mary Donnelly heads the Irish Climate Change Advisory Council. It would make huge economic sense for the government to take on board some of her comments. To increase carbon uptake, Ireland needs to plant 8,000 hectares of woodland annually, but at present we are only achieving 2,000 ha/year. We urgently need to set specific targets on land use to indicate how we will reach net zero C emissions. Farming practices have always changed through time and this needs to continue, but farmers will need advice and substantial financial support to adopt sustainable farming practices. Emissions need to decrease across ALL sectors, yet in Ireland they are actually increasing. By 2030, it is estimated that Ireland will be paying a minimum of €8 billion on carbon credits to offset emissions, BUT carbon credits may not be available as so many other countries will be doing likewise. It would make much more sense to spend €8billion on reducing our emissions, instead of paying fines, and to transition to a low carbon lifestyle, not just on farms but in urban areas too. The challenge is for individuals, companies, industries and government to heed the advice of Mary Donnelly.

April Eco Notes

April 2023
IPCC Report
One of the best-known bible stories,
immortalised and popularised in the
musical “Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolour Dreamcoat”, is that of
Joseph interpreting the Egyptian
Pharaoh’s dreams. He foretold seven
years of plenty followed by seven
years of famine. Accordingly, he
organised the saving and storage of
grain from each of the good years.
When famine came, he rationed out
the grain to the Egyptians and they
survived, whereas people from other
nations starved. We could all learn a
valuable lesson from this biblical tale.
The International Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) has just issued its most
stark report yet. Global temperatures
are already 1.09⁰C higher than before
industrialisation took place.
Eco Tips
Once the increase reaches 1.5⁰C, more
catastrophic effects of climate change will
manifest themselves – untold human
suffering from increasingly violent storms,
sea level rise from melting ice, floods and,
conversely, drought and desertification
etc.; famines and food shortages will be
rife. Environmental damage and the loss
to biodiversity will escalate and become
irreversible. However, if we follow
Joseph’s example, but in a modern
context, we could avoid precipitating
such global disaster. The good news is
that IT IS POSSIBLE – e.g. by investing in
technological change and by voluntarily
reducing our consumption. We can ALL
play our part now by not buying products
we don’t need, reducing waste, excessive
travel, fuel from overheating homes and
businesses. Test yourselves and see how
much you can reduce consumption –
saves money too!

Easter Services

Nun’s Cross Church, Killiskey will be the venue for our Holy Week journey this year,
with services each evening in Holy Week. There will also be a service in Wicklow
Church on Good Friday.
Sunday 2 April, Holy Communion service at 8.30am, Wicklow. Palm Sunday: 9.30am,
Wicklow Church, Dramatised reading of Matthew’s Passion.
11.15am, Nun’s Cross Church, Palm Sunday procession and service.
Monday 3 April. 7.30pm. Service of Compline
Tuesday 4 April. 7.30pm. Service of Compline
Wednesday 5 April. 7.30pm. Tenebrae service of gradually extinguishing light.
Thursday 6 April. 7.30pm. Maundy Thursday Eucharist.
Friday 7 April. 10am, Wicklow Church, Good Friday service & reflection
2pm, Nun’s Cross Church, Prayers around the cross.
7pm Walk of Witness. Beginning in Wicklow Methodist Church, walking to Wicklow
Church of Ireland, and then to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.
Saturday 8 April. 9pm. Easter Vigil Service of Light.
Sunday 9 April. Easter Day! 8.30am Holy Communion, Wicklow Church
9.30am Family Communion, Wicklow Church
11.15am Family Communion, Nun’s Cross Church.

Holy Week & Easter
This powerful but simple progression around Wicklow town sends a message to the
wider community: that Christians here take seriously the events that lead to the death
of Jesus on the cross. We meet in Wicklow Methodist Church at 7pm, where we sing a
hymn, and listen to the first part of the Passion Narrative. We then walk to Wicklow
Church of Ireland, carrying a large cross (taking turns to help carry, if you like), where
we sing another hymn & hear the second part of the Passion Narrative. We then walk
to St Patrick’s Catholic Church, for a service of prayers and music centred on the story
of Good Friday. Please do make this event a priority in your Holy Week journey.

Walking and talking – Series of events focus on mental health and wellbeing

A series of events to encourage and support positive mental health will take place in the dioceses this spring. Organised by the Revd Garth Bunting, Rural Dean of St Mary and Canon Lesley Robinson, Rural Dean of Fingal, the events are part of the Church of Ireland’s MindMatters project.


Free talks, entitled ‘What is Mental Ill-Health? Signs, symptoms and what to do about them’, will take place in each Rural Deanery. The first, on Wednesday February 8 at 8pm, will take place in St John the Baptist Parish Centre, Seafield Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3. The second will be on Friday March 10 at 8pm in Castleknock Parish Centre, Castleknock Road, Dublin 15. The speaker will be Cariosa Walsh, ICP accredited individual and group therapist and the talks are aimed at resourcing those struggling with their own mental health or who are supporting others who are.


Walks of Wellbeing – gentle guided walks with a focus on friendship and mindfulness, will take place in three different locations in April and May. On Sunday April 2 the Revd David White will lead a walk in St Anne’s Park in Raheny (meet at the Red Stables) from 3pm to 5pm. On Sunday May 7 the Revd Ruth Noble will lead a walk in the Phoenix Park (meet at the Papal Cross) from 3pm to 5pm. On Saturday May 27 the Revd Brian O’Reilly will lead a walk in Glendalough (meet at St John’s Church, Laragh) from 11am to 4pm. Walkers in Glendalough are asked to bring water and a packed lunch.


Canon Lesley Robinson has encouraged people to come along and spread the word about the events. “The Mind Matters project is a great opportunity for us in the Church to reach out to those who may be struggling with their mental health, supporting others who are, or just conscious about the need to protect it. I was delighted when the Revd Garth Bunting approached me about organising some joint events in our Rural Deaneries and hope they will be of benefit to many people,” she commented.


The Revd Garth Bunting added: “I’m especially looking forward to the walks we have planned. The idea of combining exercise, promoting friendship and taking pauses to reflect and pray, seems to me to be like little pilgrimages or caminos right on our doorstep. And they help promote mental health.”


“I have benefitted personally from seeking out help with my mental health. About 15 years ago I went to see my GP about feeling down. I was diagnosed with depression. My GP set me on a journey to improve my mental health and psychotherapy has been at the core of that. Today, I manage my mental wellbeing in a much better way, and know quickly when I need to give it more attention,” he added.


For more information on any of these events contact 086-0386415/087-9091561.

Arklow Inch and Kilbride Mental Health Talks

Arklow, Inch and Kilbride Parishes are hosting a short series of talks, to help promote good mental health, to help us understand our own mental health better, and to help reduce the stigma of mental health. These are in association with the Church of Ireland MindMatters initiative, and funded through the generosity of the Benefact Trust.

The talks will take place in St. Saviour’s Hall, Arklow, beginning at 7.30pm

Wednesday 1st February

Mental Wellbeing for Young People

(a talk for adults – anyone with the care of young people)

Presented by Steve Grasham,

Youth Ministry Development Officer (Southern Region),

Church of Ireland Youth Department

Wednesday 8th February

“5 Ways to Wellbeing”

Presented by Mental Health Ireland

Due to a change of format, this talk no longer has a limited attendance,

so all are very welcome to come along.

Wednesday 22nd February

Mental Health and Faith

Presented by Lydia Monds, Ministry Leader,

The Church’s Ministry of Healing Ireland

Wednesday 1st March

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Presented by Sarah Lawlor, Mental Health Nurse

Everyone is very welcome to attend all of these talks.

For further information, please contact Brigid Barrett

Email: or phone 0402 32439

Eco Tips – February 2023

The Clothing Industry

There is currently much discussion about the climate impacts of the clothes industry. Fashion production accounts for up to 10% of worldwide carbon emissions and uses vast amounts of water. Up to 85% of all clothes end up in landfill. Washing synthetics releases micro plastics, many of which end up in the oceans. “Fast fashion” results in people buying cheap clothes and discarding them after very few wears. We can all reduce our impact by following some of the steps below:

1. Wear your clothes until they have worn out.

2. Buy fewer outfits of high quality rather than many of poor quality, which do not last.

3. Repair and/or upcycle clothes. Accessories (scarves, belts etc) can freshen up old outfits.

4. Don’t discard clothes that are hardly worn.

5. Wear clothes made of natural fibres. Nylon and polyester are made from petrochemicals and are non-biodegradable. Woollen jumpers are much warmer than synthetic ones.

6. Look after clothes well and they last longer. Wash at lower temperatures, use tumble dryers minimally, air drying is better for fabric and prolongs its life.

7. Buy clothes in charity or swap shops or vintage shops.

8. Donate clothes to needy people or charity shops rather than throwing them out. Clothes may also be sold on line.