The Hub

Following the successful re-opening of “the Hub” by the Archbishop and the favourable associated publicity in the Wicklow People, there has been a good response from customers.

Lesley Rue is now looking for additional volunteers, even if only for a few hours, with a view to the shop being open six days a week.

Irish Botanical Art Exhibition

Patricia Butler is curating an exhibition which will open in the National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square, D2 on Saturday, 7th March and run until June 21st.  The exhibition is called  Drawn from Nature. Irish Botanical Art.

Admission is free. This exhibition will trace the historical background relating to Irish Botanical Art and should be of great interest to members.

Friendship Group March

There is a friendship group within the joint parishes, for people who are retired, and for those who aren’t able to get out to meet people as regularly as they would like. The next meeting is on Monday 16th March in the Wicklow Methodist hall. For further details, please contact Linda Walsh: 086 8228378.

Hub Renovations Update

Killiskey parish has a centre in Ashford village called “the Hub” which has a meeting space and a shop which is currently called “Ashford Gift and Book Shop”. The shop has been open for eight years. It is currently closed for necessary renovations until 15 February when it will re-open as with better displays of its goods, particularly second-hand clothing. It also sells greeting cards, books and bric-a-brac. Thanks are due to David Harte who is undertaking the renovations and to Martsworth for assistance with new carpet.

Good as New clothes are needed so that the updated shop gets a good start,  Please let Lesley Rue know if you can help. She is also looking for additional volunteers.


Classes will continue on 9th and 23rd February, in East Glendalough School. A Parenting Teens course will run concurrently, for parents of any confirmation candidates, though this is not limited to confirmation candidates’ families, should anyone else be interested.

Youth Clubs February

Teen youth will meet on 2nd  & 16th February, 6.30-8pm, in East Glendalough School. All of secondary school age are welcome. United Youth will meet on 1st February, 6-7.30pm, in East Glendalough School. Anyone 4th-6th class is welcome.

The Bible Course Update

The Bible is a big and complicated book to read and for many it can be difficult to know where to start.  The Bible Society has produced a course for those who are familiar with the Bible or just starting out.

It helps you see how the books of the Bible are part of one big story. Using a unique storyline, it  shows how key events, books and characters fit together. The video teaching, course guide and daily readings will help participants grow in confidence as they read the Bible for themselves.

Each weekly session includes a video, small group discussion, and refreshments. It will be supported by both Killiskey and Ashford parishes. The Bible Course will run for eight weeks on THURSDAY evenings from 6th February to 26th March (NOT TUESDAY evenings as originally anticipated) Further details to follow.  If you would like further information please contact either Bruce Alwood (087 2547538) or Rev Ken.

Trip To Armenia

Dr Paul Manook,  an Armenian who has preached in Nun’s Cross church, has provided details of a group tour to Armenia from 14th to 26th May 2020. Participants will engage with local Armenians, visit one of the oldest civilisations in the world and enjoy the ancient history within the scenic beauty of the South Caucasus. Carefully chosen speakers will provide contributions on Art & Architecture, Archaeology, History and Armenian Cuisine.

For further details, please contact Paul and Isobel Manook by email ; or by mobile: (089) 4582686.

Church Choir

In recent months, a choir has been re-established. The hymns of each Sunday’s Principal Service will be practiced in the church from 10.30am. If you would like to join the choir, please let Tim Hicks know.

Ashford Country Fair

The Country Fair committee will soon be in full swing. This event takes place on the May Bank Holiday Monday. If you can help in this or any other way with this important fund-raiser, please contact Bernadette Glover, Amanda Mooney or Lesley Rue.