A BBQ in aid of Wicklow Parish & Friends of St Luke’s Hospital, Rathgar will be held on Sunday, September 15th at Brian O’Rorke’s home, Killmullen House Moneystown, near Roundwood starting at 1 pm. Steak, hog roast and a vegetarian option will be served, accompanied by homemade salads and desserts. Kids of all sizes will be entertained by a selection of carnival style games, activities and a treasure hunt through the grounds. Adults can enjoy refreshments including wine. Children and family tickets (€8/€55) will be available on the day at the gate or in advance through Brian O’Rorke 086 342 8226 .

Camino de Glendalough

The annual diocesan pilgrimage, the Glendalough Camino, will take place on Saturday September 14. The Camino has been growing from strength to strength and over 100 people joined the full pilgrimage from Hollywood to Glendalough along St Kevin’s Way last year. The pilgrimage has traditionally taken place on a Sunday but has been moved to a Saturday this year following feedback from clergy of the dioceses. As usual pilgrims have two options. They can either undertake the full Camino route from Hollywood to Glendalough, a distance of 30 kilometres, or they can join shorter routes from the Wicklow Gap down to Glendalough, or around the monastic city itself. All participants on all the routes are invited to attend the short closing service which takes place at the stone ring fort on the shores of the Upper Lake in Glendalough at 5pm. Those undertaking the full pilgrimage should allow six hours to complete the route. A pilgrim’s blessing will be given in the ancient St Kevin’s Church in Hollywood at 9am on Saturday morning after which they will set out. A bus will be provided to bring people back to Hollywood. Those wishing to avail of this bus service must register and provide contact details before departing. Pilgrims planning to walk from the Wicklow Gap or around Glendalough may depart from St John’s Church in Laragh which acts as a hub for the Camino throughout the day. Parking will be available locally and there will be a bus to bring people to the Wicklow Gap or the Monastic City at regular intervals throughout the day. A full timetable will be available on the diocesan website at nearer the time. Updates will also be available on Facebook at DublinandGlendalough

Heritage Week

Nun’s Cross Church will be open to the public as part of Heritage Week on Saturday 24th August and on Sunday 25th August from 2pm to 5pm. A leaflet drop to the new housing in Ballinahinch is planned to encourage new neighbours to visit. If you can help in welcoming visitors or in providing refreshments, please contact Patricia Butler or Juliet Belton.

Holidays And Pastoral Care

Rev Ken and Lesley will be in Rwanda from 9th to 20th August. In the event of a pastoral emergency please contact Rev Brian O’Reilly, Rector of Rathdrum and Glenealy (Rectory 0404-43814; mobile 086-223 0271).

RNLI Collection

A retiring collection will be organised in support of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) at the back of Nun’s Cross church on 4th August. Please try and support this worthy cause.

Clean Up Morning

It is two years since the last major clean up. In order to ensure that the church continues to look well, a clean up day is planned for Saturday 31st August commencing at 10.30am. Please come along with cleaning materials, even for a short while. Refreshments will be served.

Prayer Points – July

Please pray for:
*The Archbishop and clergy of the United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough
* Protection for those working and holidaying in very hot places
* Wisdom for the Irish and UK governments and for EU officials as they seek to find a way through BREXIT
* Courage to stand up for Christian values
* Blessing on young people attending Christian houseparties and events
* Concern for the impacts of our lifestyles on our environment
* Justice for those seeking asylum in Ireland and worldwide

The Wicklow Summer Fête and Dog Show

The Wicklow summer fête takes place in the grounds of East Glendalough School on Saturday 1st June from 11am to 4pm. This promises to be a great day out with bouncy castles and games, hot food and refreshments, cakes, clothes and toy stalls, as well as plants and country produce. New this year is a dog show. Classes will include: Best rescue rehomed dog, Best dog led by a child, Best puppy, Best fancy dress dog, Supreme champion. The judges will come from Sharpeshill WSPCA . Admission is €2 with children under 12 free. Parking is also free.