Easter Vestry

Congratulations and thanks to all who were appointed/elected at the Easter Vestry: Rector’s Churchwarden: Sally Smith People’s Churchwarden: Juliet Belton Rector’s Glebewarden: Richard Henderson People’s Glebewarden: Michael Norman Other Select Vestry Members: Stephanie McDonald (Hon Secretary), Scott Golden (Hon Treasurer), Hazel Bayley, Patricia Butler, David Harte, Hilary MacDonald, Amanda Mooney, Lesley Rue, Ivan Sheane, John Smyth, Frances Tottenham and Lucy Tottenham. We thank our now retired Treasurer, Albert Mahon, for the manner in which he maintained the accounts for the last three years. We also thank Bernadette Glover who chose not to be re-nominated after twelve years of faithful service on the vestry.

Ashford Country Fair

The 7th annual Ashford Country Fair will take place in the grounds of the Bel-Air Hotel on Bank Holiday Monday, 7th May from 11am to 4pm. 

 This year’s fair will have a number of animal attractions including a dog show, gun dog demonstration, duck herding, falconry and a pony club. Children will also enjoy our magician and fairground. Stalls include artisan displays, plants, crafts, books and clothes. For food try our barbecue, teas, coffees and cakes! There will also be vintage cars, tractors, a raffle and many other interesting features. In other words, there will be something for everyone. Please do come along and support a very enjoyable and popular event!

 If you can assist in helping on one of the stalls or can provide goods for sale, please contact Amanda Mooney, Bernadette Glover or Lesley Rue.

Youth Clubs

United Youth is a club for 4th to 6th classes. The next club night is on 2nd March and will run from 6.00-7.30pm, It continues on the 1st Saturday of each month in term time in East Glendalough School. The programme includes games, sports, crafts, outings and most importantly fun!

 The Teen Youth Group is meeting every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month in East Glendalough School 6.30–8pm. 12-18 year olds are welcome. Each night there are games, a discussion group and Pizza. All are welcome!

The Easter Vestry Meeting

The Easter Vestry (Annual  General Meeting of the Parish) takes place on Thursday, 25th April, at 8pm in the Bel-Air.  This is your chance to hear more about the parish’s activities and finances, to have your say on the future direction of the parish and to vote for an incoming select vestry.

Big Step Up

The “Big Step Up” is an overnight event in Christ Church Cathedral to encourage those who are moving from primary to secondary school next year In their faith. There will be sung worship, food, and there will be plenty of time and space to pray, think, chat about whatever’s on your mind or just hang out. It takes place on 4th/5th May. The Booking fee is €20 and advance booking is required by 26th April through the parish clergy.

Family Service

There are many different activities for children and youths on Sunday mornings. With this in mind, it has been decided to experiment with a new  timing for our monthly family services. They will take place at 5pm, will last 30 to 40 minutes with some food afterwards. If you feel you could assist in organising these services, please talk with Rev Ken. The first such service is scheduled for Sunday 28th April.

Friendship Group

A friendship group has been formed for people who are retired and for those who aren’t able to get out to meet people as regularly as they would like. The next get together will be for afternoon tea on Monday 15th April, in the Wicklow Methodist Hall. All welcome! Further information available from Linda Walsh: 086 8228378.

Family Service

There are many different activities for children and youths on Sunday mornings. With this in mind, it has been decided to experiment with a new  timing for our monthly family services. They will take place at 5pm, will last 30 to 40 minutes with some food afterwards. If you feel you could assist in organising these services, please talk with Rev Ken. The first such service is scheduled for Sunday 28th April.

Church Music

The next session of Church Music Dublin is planned for 23rd March in  Christ  Church  Cathedral, Dublin, when Ian Keatley,  cathedral  director  of  music, will  lead  a workshop on Anglican chant. Organists, singers and members of congregations are welcome.


Rev Jack Kinkead has been  appointed chairperson of Church Music Dublin by the Archbishop in succession to Archdeacon Ricky Rountree.

Daffodil Day

There will be a Coffee Morning in aid of the Irish Cancer Society’s ‘Daffodil Day’, in The Hub on Friday 22nd March from 9.30am to 1.30pm. Offers of food gratefully accepted. Please come and support!