Ashford Country Fair

The Country Fair committee will soon be in full swing. This event takes place on the May Bank Holiday Monday. If you can help in this or any other way with this important fund-raiser, please contact Bernadette Glover, Amanda Mooney or Lesley Rue.

Tea/Coffee Money

Most Sundays there is an opportunity to socialise after church while sipping a cup of tea and coffee or a glass of juice. Many thanks to all those who organising and serve refreshments.

 Donations are requested towards costs. Overt the last  few years, apart from paying for the tea/coffee and biscuits, the monies raised have paid for a large water urn and flask as well as mince pies and mulled wine. Thanks to all our donors!

Climate Change

The United Nations has held yearly conferences on Climate Change Conferences since 1995. The 24th Conference was held in Katowice, Poland 2-15 December 2018. It was an international meeting to try and forge agreement on ways to reduce the rate and effects of climate change. Negotiators from 196 countries and the EU worked on The Katowice Rulebook, implementing the 2015 Paris Agreement. Means to effect positive change in three main areas (technology; human; nature) were agreed.


Why is it important? In the words of Sir David Attenborough: “Right now we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale, our greatest threat in thousands of years: climate change. If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” Additionally, 15 year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed the summit, begging politicians to take action for the future of the planet. Former US vice-President Al Gore told delegates they faced “the single most important moral choice in the history of humanity”. In our own small way, we can each contribute to tackling this issue. We can review and adjust our own lifestyles, discuss positive change with family and friends and lobby politicians.

Alchemy Concert

Alchemy Music opens its 2019 season on Saturday February 16th, 8pm at Nun’s Cross Church. For further information go to: and

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an international Christian ecumenical observance kept annually between 18th January and 25th January.

To mark the week, Pastor Martin Sauter will be the guest preacher in Nun’s Cross church on Sunday 20th January. He is a non-stipendiary pastor in the Lutheran Church in Ireland, formerly lecturer in history, sociology and intercultural studies. He was ordained in January 2015 in St. Finian’s Lutheran Church, Adelaide Road, where he is mainly looking after the small English-speaking congregation. He is also the ecumenical officer of his church and involved in ecumenical bodies both at City, All-Ireland and European level.

Concert Tour – WinterSong

A concert of Christmas music of  the 16–18th centuries for  Voice, Lute, Renaissance and Baroque Guitars

When: 8pm Saturday 15 December 2018

Venue: Nun’s Cross Church, Ashford

Tonos: Ròisìn O’Grady – Soprano; Eamon Sweeney – Renaissance and Baroque Guitars, Renaissance Lute

Tonos specialise in the music of the 16th–18th centuries and are delighted to be performing in the Church as part of their 8-date Arts Council-funded national tour which coincides with the launch of their CD: WinterSong.

Church Review

Many thanks are due to Vera Webster who has organised the distribution of the Church Review for many years. Lesley Rue is taking over this role from January 2019. If you would like your name to be added to the list of recipients in 2019, please let Lesley know.