Ashford Country Fair 2018

The 6th annual Ashford Country Fair will take place in the grounds of the Bel-Air Hotel on Bank Holiday Monday, 7th May from 11am to 4pm. 

 This year’s fair will have a number of animal attractions including a dog show, gun dog demonstration, duck herding, falconry and a pony club. Children will also enjoy our magician and fairground. Stalls include artisan displays, plants, crafts, books and clothes. For food try our barbecue, teas, coffees and cakes! There will also be tractors and many other interesting features. Please do come along and support a very enjoyable and popular event!

 If you can assist in helping on one of the stalls or can provide goods for sale, please contact Amanda Mooney, Bernadette Glover or Lesley Rue.

Bible Studies During Lent

Lent is a great season to spend time preparing for Easter and to discipline our lives in various ways. One good practice is to take the opportunity to read God’s word.  The joint Wicklow & Killiskey and Ashford & Glenealy bible study series, entitled “The Road to Calvary” continues in various venues on Monday evenings for the first three weeks of March. These venues will be announced weekly at church services. On Tuesday evenings in the van der Fliers’ house on Church Hill, Wicklow the studies using the Biblical Association of the Church of Ireland’s booklet “As the Father sent me, so I send you” continues for the month first three weeks of March.

February Youth Clubs

KYC (Killiskey Youth Club) takes place on Saturday 3rd and 17th February from 5.00pm—6.30pm in Rathmore Holiday Village. The club is for those in 4th to 6th classes in Nun’s Cross (and their friends). Further details may be obtained from Belinda Cullen, Albert Mahon and Rev Ken Rue. Offers of help to assist are most welcome.

The teen youth group will meet in East Glendalough School from 6.30pm to 8pm on 11th and 25th February. Further details available from Rev Jack Kinkead.

Joint Bible Studies

Lent is a great season to spend time preparing for Easter and to discipline our lives in various ways. One good practice is to take the opportunity to read God’s word.

Wicklow & Killiskey and Ashford & Glenealy parishioners are being invited to attend a series of joint bible studies. These will be held in houses in Ashford on five Monday evenings, commencing on 19th February and will feature the key places in the Holy Week story based on a booklet written by Rev Ken Rue. The first evening will take place in Ken and Lesley’s house at ’Shancarrig’, Cronroe. The evenings will be informal with a chance for open discussion. Refreshments are served afterwards which allows us to get to know our neighbours better.


Alchemy Music Event

Alchemy Music opens its 2018 season on February 3rd, 8pm at Nun’s Cross Church.  The music series welcomes the coming of Spring with a special concert of Irish, Spanish and Classical music for Brahms Guitar, Fiddle, Concertina and Uilleann Pipes with the award-winning Redmond O’Toole and Scathanna: Carolan, Bach and Traditional. Tickets 15/12 Euro and family ticket (2+2) 30 Euro. Tickets on the door and at Eventbrite. email:

January Youth Clubs

KYC (Killiskey Youth Club) takes place on Saturdays 6th and 20th January from 5.00pm—6.30pm in Rathmore Holiday Village. The club is for those in 4th to 6th classes in Nun’s Cross (and their friends). Further details may be obtained from Belinda Cullen, Albert Mahon and Rev Ken Rue. Offers of help to assist are most welcome.

The teen youth group will meet on Sunday 14th January 6.30pm to 8pm. Further details available from Rev Jack Kinkead.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an international Christian ecumenical observance kept annually between 18th January and 25th January.
On Friday 19th January, local clergy from various Christian traditions will meet in the Bel-Air for lunch and a time of common worship and prayer.
To mark the week, Mr Don Black (a Methodist local preacher, which is the equivalent of a Church of Ireland lay reader) will be the guest preacher in Nun’s Cross church on Sunday 21st January.

Institution of Rev Jack Kinkead

Rev Jack Kinkead will be instituted as Rector on 14 December, by the Archbishop of Dublin, Most Rev Michael Jackson. The service begins at 8pm, and there will be a reception in the Glebe School immediately following the service. It will be great to see a good number of parishioners from Wicklow and Killiskey, gathering together in celebration as a parish family.