Diocesan Synods

The Diocesan Synods of the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough take place in Taney parish on Tuesday 10th October. Killiskey parish will be represented by Stephanie McDonald and Edgard Hall. Wicklow parish will be represented by Stuart Daunt-Smyth, Penny Phillips, Thomas Yennusick and Jonathon Patton. Rev Jack Kinkead and Rev Ken Rue will be present.

Mothers’ Union (MU) Coffee Morning

MU members and friends are invited to The Hub at 10.30am on Monday 9th October to pack shoeboxes with gifts for children in the Darndale Crèche in Dublin who might not otherwise receive gifts at Christmas. The MU would be delighted to have lots of help and contributions of small toys, shoeboxes and wrapping paper. If you can help, please contact Jessica Clarke on (087) 2875601 after 6pm each evening.

Heritage Week


National Heritage Week takes place from 19th to 27th August. To mark this week, Nun’s Cross church will be open to the public on Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, and on Sunday afternoon 27th. If you can assist in welcoming visitors to the church, please contact Patricia Butler.