Parish News

8th April – Irish Churches Creation Care Conference

On 8th April from 10am to 4pm, the Irish Churches Creation Care Conference will explore the theology and mission response to the climate and nature emergency. The conference takes place at the Dromantine Centre, Newry. Lunch is included in the conference fee of £20.

Bookings can be made at:

Notice of Easter Vestry

 The Easter Vestry (Annual  General Meeting of the Parish) takes place on Tuesday 2nd May at 7.30pm in the Church. This is your chance to hear more about the parish’s activities and finances, to have your say on the future direction of the parish and to vote for an incoming select vestry.

Confirmation Group

Confirmation classes have begun. Mostly teenagers in 2nd form attend. Six classes are taking place in East Glendalough School before the summer break. There will be a final session before the Confirmation Service which it is envisaged will take place in the autumn.

Food Security

 The current tragic war in Ukraine has brought the question of food security into sharp focus. Ireland relies heavily on imports, particularly wheat for bread. Clearly, it would be impracticable for us all to grow wheat in our gardens, but we can grow many more vegetables than we currently do. For those with no gardens, windowsills work perfectly for growing small salad plants, sprouting beans, herbs etc. For those with gardens, the amount one can grow obviously depends on garden size, but every effort should be made to grow as much as possible. Community gardens and allotments also facilitate vegetable and fruit growing. Homemade compost enhances the soil structure and health. Farmers who rely on artificial fertilisers are being affected by massive price increases coupled with reduced availability, so spreading farmyard manure will assume ever more importance. An ultimate goal would be to eliminate food waste entirely. From an environmental perspective, food waste has a huge – and unsustainable – carbon footprint. From an ethical perspective, with worldwide food shortages beckoning, waste is nonsensical and some would say immoral.

Singalong Concert in aid of Ukrainian

There will be a charity concert in aid of Ukrainian relief efforts in Nun’s Cross church on Saturday 23rd April at 7pm. This will be a fun event with the opportunity to singalong with the Dalkey Ukulele Klub band (DUK), together with supporting acts. It is hoped to involve children from the local schools. Tickets will cost €10 and there will be a raffle that evening.

Friendship Group April

The next meetings of the Friendship Group will take place on 25th April and 16th May. This group is mainly composed of retired people who meet for a chat over a cup of tea or coffee. For further details please contact Linda Walsh on (086) 8228378.

Eco-congregation Times

The vestry has formed an eco-congregation sub-committee which is chaired by Stella Mews. She writes:

“We who belong to our churches are well aware that ‘all good gifts around us are sent from heaven above’, but we also know that we have a growing part to play in our endeavour to save our planet from destruction, caused by our selfish activities over many years.

When Whitechurch parish chose Killiskey parish as its Eco-congregation partner for mentoring, the most immediate issues identified included preparing an area at the back of the church for a Wild-flower garden, and the provision of a tree to assist the young bats from our belfry in their early flights. A semi-mature Rowan tree (Sorbus) has now been planted at the side of the church, and soon the covers will come off the area for the Wild Glower Garde. Do take time to see our new tree, and to enjoy Spring in the church grounds!”