Parish News

Planned Giving

Please consider renewing or beginning your financial commitment to Killiskey Parish by way of Planned Giving. By doing this you can maximise the amount of money received by the Parish and greatly assist the Parish to meet its financial commitments. Planned Giving is making a pledge to donate an amount of money regularly over the course of the year whether weekly, monthly, quarterly or by a single donation. Under the tax regulations, the Parish, as a registered charity, can obtain a tax refund from the government for recorded donations from tax payers (PAYE and Self-Assessment) who contribute a minimum of €250 in the tax year. This is the equivalent of €4.81 per week. The parish can claim a further approx. 45% of the amount donated from the government. Cash donations on the plate, while very gratefully received, are not eligible for a tax refund. If you are contributing more than €250 over the course of the year through this method, you might like to consider Planned Giving.

Planned Giving can be done in any one of the following ways:

*The envelope system enables parishioners to donate regular cash amounts which can be recorded for tax refund purposes. Envelopes can be obtained from the churchwardens.

*By setting up a standing order with your bank for a minimum donation of €5 per week (or monthly or quarterly equivalent).

*A donation or donations totalling at least €250 can be made directly to the Parish Treasurer, Scott Golden, Malvern House, The Glebe, Wicklow Town.


COP 27 Conference of Parties has just concluded in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. The good news is the creation of the Loss & Damage Fund, which will assist 77 less developed countries to pay both for the effects of climate change and for ways to adapt to it. The richer, more developed nations, who have produced most of the carbon emissions to date, will pay to this fund. However, there is an overwhelming sense of disappointment at the lack of progress in addressing the issue of reducing our carbon emissions: at present, far from decreasing, they are actually increasing.

Incredulously to some, the phasing out of fossil fuels and coal was excised from the final text. Developed nations’ failure to provide the previously promised $100,000 billion for developing nations to fight climate problems has led to less developed nations increasing their use of oil, gas and coal.

It IS possible to keep temperature increase to 1.5⁰ C above pre-industrial levels, but that will only happen if all countries take active steps to reduce emissions NOW. Individually, we can all play our part by examining our lifestyles and devising ways to reduce our own impacts.

The Hub

Ashford Charity Shop has a wide range of Christmas goods for sale, including cards. Opening hours are from 11am-3pm Mondays to Saturdays.

If you know of anyone who has been unemployed for a year or more and would like to earn some extra income, please ask them to contact Lesley Rue on 087-2766590.


We need more help with cleaning and arranging flowers for the church and with organising tea/coffee for the end of services. We are very grateful to those who help the church in these ways but would like to spread these tasks more widely. Rotas are posted on the church notice board in the porch and beside the font. Please sign up if you can!

Planned Giving

Please consider renewing or beginning your financial commitment to Killiskey Parish by way of Planned Giving. By doing this you can maximise the amount of money received by the Parish and greatly assist the Parish to meet its financial commitments. Planned Giving is making a pledge to donate an amount of money regularly over the course of the year whether weekly, monthly, quarterly or by a single donation. Under the tax regulations, the Parish, as a registered charity, can obtain a tax refund from the government for recorded donations from tax payers (PAYE and Self-Assessment) who contribute a minimum of €250 in the tax year. This is the equivalent of €4.81 per week. The parish can claim a further approx. 45% of the amount donated from the government. Cash donations on the plate, while very gratefully received, are not eligible for a tax refund. If you are contributing more than €250 over the course of the year through this method, you might like to consider Planned Giving.

Planned Giving can be done in any one of the following ways:

*The envelope system enables parishioners to donate regular cash amounts which can be recorded for tax refund purposes. Envelopes can be obtained from the churchwardens.

*By setting up a standing order with your bank for a minimum donation of €5 per week (or monthly or quarterly equivalent).

*A donation or donations totalling at least €250 can be made directly to the Parish Treasurer, Scott Golden, Malvern House, The Glebe, Wicklow Town.

ECO Tips—Tidying Leaves

The council in Eindhoven, Netherlands has taken the decision to stop raking leaves and using leaf blowers in their parks on grass and in flower beds, though paths will continue to be cleared. Since Victorian times, Europeans have become used to ‘over tidiness’ and biodiversity has taken a huge knock as a result. Leaves that do need to be tidied up can be left in a pile, suitable for overwintering hedgehogs etc. Additionally, other smaller wildlife, in the form of a myriad of often microscopic decomposers, flourishes. Meanwhile, leaves that remain on flowerbeds and lawns nourish the earth beneath; leaves act as a natural weed suppressant, retain moisture in times of drought and provide mulch for free. This reduces people’s perceived need for using herbicides. Related to eliminating herbicides, a local forestry consultant has noted that native woodlands on land that has not been sprayed with herbicide to clear vegetation prior to planting and then during the first five years of the new forest, thrive better. Trees show increased vigour and health and they grow more quickly. These are good lessons for us all.